Oras Invest focuses its ownership on industrial companies, which operate in the building, water and bio-based material value chains. We develop our companies through active board work and close cooperation with the management and other owners. Our aim is to create long-term sustainable value, which we measure by the development of our net asset value.
Oras Invest is and will remain in family ownership. We aspire to be the best owner of selected industrial companies, with long-term commitment. The companies under our ownership are the best long-term performers in their industries. They attract the most competent people and a committed owner base.
Good ownership is a value and way of life understood by Oras Invest. It requires an honest, open and responsible approach, respect for work, and fair play. As an active industrial owner, we look beyond economic fluctuations.
Vitality, commitment and endurance form the basis for Oras Invest’s continuous, long-term value creation. We ensure that the companies we own are proactive and able to renew themselves. Our commitment to their long-term development is tangible. We put our competence and experience at our companies’ disposal.
We take responsibility for ensuring that our companies have solid ownership structures, as well as great boards of directors and CEOs. These are the basic prerequisites for solid value creation and constant improvement. A company will only be able to fulfill its social responsibility if it operates profitably on a solid base and creates value.